Tuesday 30 September 2014

It's Easy as ABC!!!!

  What most people don't know about dancing is that you have to enjoy the music when you're dancing to make it more extravagant. Dancing involves feeling the beat, feeling the music. LIVE IT, LOVE IT, LEARN IT. You never just get up on stage and start to move feel the rhythm love the rhythm and enjoy it.
       So when you go out, remember you are there to have fun and so is everyone else. No one is judging you on how you dance, but if they are then they probably aren't the sort of people worth worrying about. If your self esteem is low, your body language will reflect this, so go out there and have fun.

Hate being the one in the corner of the room while everyone else is enjoying themselves on the dance floor? Have an event coming up that will require you to step out to the beat? If a little crisis of confidence or some uncertainty about how to move is keeping you from joining the fun, look no further than this article for what you need to know to spin, step and strut the night away in style!

1. Bob your head. Start by understanding the beat in your head to get how themusic is. If it helps, count 1, 2, 3, 4 in your head. 
2. Shift your weight. Shift all of your weight to one foot. You can lift the other foot slightly off the ground to make sure all your weight is off of it.

  • At every other count (preferably 1 to 3) shift your weight completely to the other foot. You can also shift your weight at every single count, but starting out slowly will help you get comfortable before you begin dancing fast.
  • Keep your legs loose and bend your knees slightly; there should be just a little bit of "bounce" to your weight shifts, and a subtle bounce (in place) on the counts when you aren't shifting your weight as well. 
3. Move your feet. Once you're shifting your weight to the rhythm, begin moving your feet. Right before you shift your weight to a foot, move it slightly, even just an inch or two from where it was before. When you move your foot, keep it fairly close to the ground.
  • If you're dancing with someone else, be sure to move around in a way that accommodates your partner without stepping on him or her.
4. Add some hip action. When you put your weight on a foot, move your hips (and your body) slightly in the direction of that foot. If you shift your weight onto your right foot, for example, move your hips to the right. You can twist your body slightly to add a little more movement. For example, when you move to the right, put your right shoulder forward a little and left shoulder back vice versa for when you move to the left. 

 5. Move your arms. If you're uncomfortable, the tendency is to keep your arms close or to let them hang limp. Instead, move your arms around. Keep your hands open or in very loose fists. You can put your arms in the air or at 90 degree angles at your sides (like when you're running)or try one of the arm moves listed below. Whatever you do, don't get stuck on just one move; keep switching it up.
  • Roll the dice. Make a loose fist and shake your arm and hand as though you are shaking a pair of dice for a roll. After a few shakes, "roll" the dice. Don't overuse this move to the point that it becomes comical. (More commonly used by men).
  • Mow the lawn. Bend forward and with one hand grasp the starter of an imaginary lawn mower. Pull your hand back as though you're pulling on the string to start the mower. Once you get it going, you can take a few steps while you mow the lawn. This move requires a certain amount of confidence to pull off, but it's a lot of fun and can bring a smile or a laugh to those dancing around you. (More commonly used by men).
  • Swing an air lasso. Grab an imaginary lasso and swing it above your head as though you're about to rope a cow. Shift your weight to the foot opposite your "lasso hand" and thrust your hips in that direction. (More commonly used by women).
  • Pump your fist. Make a fist and then make a pumping motion overhead in a celebratory fashion. (Best used when attending a concert). 
  • Watch other dancers. If you’re not sure how to dance to a song, take your cues from other dancers. You don’t want to copy them exactly (unless it’s a standardized dance), but you can get some ideas.
  • Get a dancer friend to help you learn a dance move. For most people, watching others do the same is the key. Just get someone who knows what they are doing to show you, then if you just follow in their lead, you can surely get it in the end of the day with a little bit of practice every night!
  • Bring a friend who is a terrible dancer but just doesn't care. You'll feel less self-conscious that way, and their confidence might rub off on you!
  • Remember to keep your dancing speed with the tempo of the song you are dancing to.
  • Don't worry about what other people say when you are dancing have fun.
  • Smile and look like you're having fun. Not showing any emotions shows that you don't know what you're doing and you're not very comfortable with it.
  • Invite a friend over and make your own dance to a song. It will make you more confident when you are in a position where you have to dance.
Well that's all for now, until next time do have a Good Luck :-)

B-boy Harry Foundation, Compass Nella Fitness Centre, Ongata Rongai.
Email: bboyharry@live.com - Phone: +254 700 472 451.

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